
Al Aqsa Under Attack

 Meet Ra'd Risheq, a Palestinian child who stays at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound almost all the time to defend the mosque in the face of growing Israeli attempts to impose a temporal division of the holy site.Dozens of Israeli settlers break into Al Aqsa mosque under the protection of occupation forces.Israeli soldiers harassing women at Al Aqsa mosque.Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian women in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque.young Palestinian woman defying an Israeli female soldier inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem. Be Brave like Palestinians.With challenging bravery, a little Palestinian child sits amid the crowds of settlers breaking into Al-Aqsa mosque this morning.

"From Indonesia to Palestine"Only through the prayers that we say and the spirit of struggle that we convey to you my brother..

Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated bullets at Palestinian worshipers while Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, occupied Jerusalem, today morning.

Your weapons do NOT frighten us, and you cannot uproot us from our holy land.The World as usual is blind and ignoring this acts of terrorisme when it comes to Muslims.Fire erupt at one of the windows of Al-Qibli Mosque at Al-Aqsa Mosque as a result of firing stun grenadesby IOF during the Israeli raid of the mosque this morning.

The Israeli occupation forces evacuate worshippers from Aqsa mosque to secure settlers who are going.This occupation will end, it won’t take long.Palestinian woman confronts Israeli soldiers after forcing her out of Al-Aqsa Mosque following a third raid on the holy complex this morning.

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